Meaning Ancillary Target
What does Ancillary Target mean? Here you find 2 meanings of the word Ancillary Target. You can also add a definition of Ancillary Target yourself


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Ancillary Target

Target observed as part of an APOGEE ancillary program to utilize the survey’s capabilities for interesting science beyond its primary survey goals. The target flags associated with APOGEE ancillary programs are part of the APOGEE_TARGET1 bitmask. The ancillary programs are described in the APOGEE Ancillary Targets pages.
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Ancillary Target

Spectroscopic target selection in BOSS is dominated by two categories: LRGs, and quasars. However, a small fraction of the fibers are devoted to a variety of additional projects, ranging from studies of variable stars to host galaxies of supernovae. These additional targets are referred to as BOSS Ancillary Targets. A full list of the target flags [..]
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